Apologise to all my readers who have been waiting for so long.. The publishing contract was signed in Feb last year when I was travelling in Sydney, south of the earth, the novel was signed to be published in August 2017, however it finally comes out just now, March 2018, plus even not yet now, as Amazon still needs 3 more weeks to get those books from my publisher and to send to readers. In the past six months when the publishing issue was taken on place for many unexpected reasons, trust me, I have fighted from the beginning to the end and even went through all senior positioned people such as the chairman of the PLC pulbishing house, however, I am sorry to say, my effort couldn't make any chances, and even made things worse: because right now what you can read from this book/novel, for the well known publishing censorship in China, there are more than 5000 words being deleted straight away from my original script, due to relating to some poitical and government movement (such...